Live chat can give 305% ROI to your marketing team

10 min readJul 16, 2021


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With the help of live chat, you can make each conversation unique and establish long-term partnerships. It enables you to reply rapidly to customer requests, improve customer service, and increase agent efficiency.

Live chat is still relatively new in the realm of customer service, but it’s catching on like wildfire.
Most websites nowadays include live chat help as an option. Customers prefer live chat to all other methods of contact.


Are businesses, meeting customer expectations when it comes to live chat assistance? The answer is an emphatic “No.”

According to a Forrester study, interactive discussion can create a 120 percent ROI in as little as six months.

One of the most prevalent sources of customer dissatisfaction is long wait times when customers contact you for assistance. Customers can become demotivated and abandon your business after one poor experience. When firms respond to customer concerns in under a minute, 59 percent of customers are more inclined to make a purchase decision.

What is live chat support?

Live chat assistance is chat-based customer care that is available in real time. It can be sent via a company’s website or mobile messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and SMS.

Businesses can use live chat to give prompt customer support, quickly resolve issues, and build happier client connections.

Live chat is a fantastic approach to address customer complaints. Customers may get real-time sales and support assistance from the app, which helps to cut down on waiting time. Customers are happier when they can interact with someone right away.

Customers are 34% more satisfied with businesses that offer live chat.

What role does live chat play in omni-channel communication?

  • Immediate assistance: It aids in the provision of immediate responses to all sales and support-related inquiries. Queries are resolved faster when the dialogue is sent to the appropriate support team.
  • Increase customer satisfaction: It increases customer satisfaction by lowering wait times and converting visitors into loyal customers who not only stick with your business but also spread positive word of mouth about it.
  • Proactive customer engagement: You can guide them in the proper direction before their doubts become a major issue.

When 400 customers were asked about their live chat experiences in the previous month, 47 percent stated they couldn’t recall a favorable experience.

For 38% of those customers, the channel’s poor user experience was the most pressing worry.
They like live chat in theory, but how firms use it in practice isn’t what customers want.

There’s a significant opportunity for marketers that gets live chat right, with up to 86 percent of consumers prepared to pay more for a better customer experience and only 1% of expectations being satisfied on a daily basis.

How does live chat adapt to changing client needs?

The conduct of customers can be unpredictable. In today’s busy information age, the straight “I sell, you buy, the end” path is almost non-existent.

A visitor will come to your site, leave, be reminded, return, leave again, evaluate solutions, return, and possibly buy — all while switching between devices. If they’re satisfied with their purchase, the cycle continues.

Then there’s the issue of communication breakdown. Rather than calling, we text and message our friends and family. At work, it’s the same.

We’ve all adopted this new mode of communication because it’s convenient — you can chat while riding the train, waiting in line at the coffee shop, or relaxing on the couch while watching Netflix. It doesn’t take up all of your focus, and you can join and leave a chat whenever you want.

Why shouldn’t customer communication be the same?

Competition and buyer empowerment are more powerful than ever in the digital age. Businesses who do not adapt to changing client preferences not only frustrate their customers, but also lose out on significant earnings.

When it comes to dealing with businesses, people are increasingly expecting a high level of comfort. Customers can initiate a conversation with you at any time using live chat. As a result, you’ll be able to contact your customers at various points along their customer journey. Some ideas:

  • Customers can get immediate assistance by using live chat on your contact page.
  • Proactive chat on your features page demonstrates that you’re available to clarify complicated topics.
  • Live chat on your checkout page can assist visitors clear up any last-minute doubts before abandoning their purchase.
  • By integrating your live chat solution with a popular messaging app like WhatsApp or Messenger, your Customers will be able to ask questions not just on your website but also on their phones.

How can live chat support help?

From both the customer’s and the business’s viewpoints, live chat assistance has a lot going for it.

Customer service is improved with a live chat help.

Twenty-eight percent of users expect a response to chat in less than five minutes, according to our 2020 Customer Experience Trends Report. In addition, according to the Zendesk 2021 Customer Experience Trends Report, chat-based support inquiries climbed by roughly 80% in 2020. As a result, customer expectations for prompt service are at an all-time high.

“It’s an instantaneous communication that doesn’t include phone support tag,” says Jon Daniels, a technical support engineer at Zendesk.

Next to email support, live chat, according to Daniels, is one of the most detailed channels when it comes to context and data. With live chat, you may delve deep into the stages involved in a problem and address it right away. Companies can provide customers what they want and improve brand experience by using live chat.
Customers who wish to submit a support ticket without live chat typically have to open a new window and find the contact page. This implies they leave their problem to contact customer service and wait for a response. Customers should be able to obtain help without having to open additional windows by strategically placing live chat pop-ups throughout a website.

Live chat support is better for business

Many of the business goals listed by managers and agents in the Zendesk CX trends study for 2021 are aligned with offering live chat:

  • Customer service operations are being scaled significantly. Adding live chat assistance allows agents to assist more people without having to learn a new piece of software.
  • Ascertain that service level agreements are being followed. Wait times are reduced since an agent can talk to multiple people at once via live chat. On the other side, reps can only talk to one consumer on the phone at a time, and email causes delays.
  • Solve client problems before they get out of hand. Rather than waiting for a visitor or app user to email or call, engage them via chat anytime a problem arises.

Regardless of your company’s objectives, live chat may improve your overall client experience by quickly and smoothly resolving difficulties.

Why is Live Chat the Most Effective Customer Service Channel?

You may use live chat to communicate with your consumers in real-time, right on your website. This distinct collection of traits distinguishes chat from traditional contact channels, resulting in a slew of tremendous advantages for live chat assistance. Long hold times on the phone and delayed email responses?

Say goodbye to poor service.

There are numerous advantages to using live chat assistance. Let’s look at the top three advantages together.

1. Increase conversions

Everyone is now on Instagram, indicating that internet commerce is becoming more prevalent. However, when it comes to customer service and online sales, most businesses are still using technologies from the previous millennium.

This not only degrades the user experience, but it also has a detrimental impact on your business. Customers must leave your website and go to their inbox to send an email. Then there’s the issue of email response times, which are far from instantaneous. If the answer is critical to their purchasing choice, they’ll have to wait — or postpone their purchases.

According to a Virgin Airlines case study, consumers who used chat had a 3.5 times greater conversion rate than those who contacted the company. According to a Virgin Airlines case study, consumers who used chat had a 3.5 times greater conversion rate than those who contacted the company.

Live chat is the only on-site and real-time help method available. This one-of-a-kind combo enables you to direct people to your website and directly answer their inquiries. Here are some other things that chat can help you with:

  • Determine the demands of your customers and provide answers.
  • Clear up any doubts and establish a foundation of trust.
  • Addressing customers personally can help you avoid shopping cart abandonment.
  • Use tailored offers to persuade visitors to make a purchase or upsell.
  • Assist folks on their way to become customers.

2. Enhance the service’s efficacy

Customer service is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Live chat assistance is both quicker for your consumers and saves you money on service. And if you’ve ever had to talk on the phone for an entire day, you’ll understand why talking is so much more relaxing. To summarize, live chat assistance is a win-win situation for all parties concerned.

Live chat support’s inexpensive service costs enable both small and large organizations to provide personalized customer assistance at scale. Chat is more efficient than any other medium for the following reasons:

  • For frequently asked questions, use prerecorded messages.
  • At the same time, multiple persons can be contacted.
  • Prepare your response ahead of time by viewing a live preview of your customer’s message.
  • Documents and multimedia can be shared.
  • In one interface, get a complete picture of all discussions from all touchpoints and agents.
  • Allow chatbots to handle routine queries.

3. Create a one-of-a-kind client service experience.

When business initially went online, the service was put on the back burner in favor of low prices. However, when additional players entered the market, differentiating your organization exclusively on the basis of pricing became impossible. This was wonderful news for customers since clever businesses started prioritizing their customers once more.

Companies that pay attention to their customers and treat them like individuals rather than numbers will prosper, while others will fail. This trend is mirrored by live chat, which helps businesses to become closer to their customers. This is why:

  • Proactively provide one-on-one assistance.
  • Personal interaction can help you build consumer loyalty.
  • Reflect your company’s service ethic of putting customers first.
  • Boost customer and brand satisfaction
  • Continued dialogues and clever routing will help you build long-term partnerships.

4. Industry-specific advantages of live chat support

Live chat was predominantly used by e-commerce businesses ten years ago. Those that did not have physical locations or massive call centers to assist their consumers. Fast forward to today, and organizations of all sizes and industries are implementing a support strategy that includes live chat.

Still, an online fashion store is not the same as a bank, and neither are the methods they will use live chat assistance. Take a look at these pages for more information on the advantages of live chat as well as best practices for each business.

Cliffex can Help!

We give your customers 24/7 support.

Customers want a prompt and courteous answer. Hence we provide prompt responses via chat and resolve difficulties in a matter of minutes.

When it comes to customer service, 73% of customers believe that valuing their time is one of the most important things a company can do.

We connect with every visitor.

We proactively engage visitors and demonstrate to customers that your firm cares and is willing to lend a hand.

If they can’t get rapid answers to their questions, 53% of customers will abandon an online transaction.

We capture every opportunity.

We’ll deliver immediate and accurate information through chat, capture leads, and streamline the sales process, so you’ll never miss a lead or sale again.

Increase the size of your company by 33%.

Not bots, but Real People.

“In comparison to a chatbot, 60 percent of customers believe a human person can better comprehend their needs.” — Business Insider

“Customers regard firms more favorably when the service they receive is more personalized,” according to 52% of customers. ” Emarketer

“47.5 percent of internet users in the United States believe that chatbots deliver too many unhelpful responses.”- Statista

“Fifty-one percent of customers believe firms should provide support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”- Inc

Let us help you.

Every chat is responded to. Customers want immediate answers to their questions. The live chat answering service at Chat Support is here to assist you.


High-quality service goes beyond simply delivering accurate information to recognizing a customer’s goals and assisting them in achieving them.

Live chat support can help speed up this process by allowing for a more natural conversational style, in which a knowledgeable support agent can ask the correct questions at the right time and rapidly take a customer to where they need to go.

With the correct live chat support software, you can combine real-time chat assistance with self-service alternatives and an email contact point, providing for a variety of support experiences based on the customer’s choices and the support team’s skills.

Live chat support allows you to communicate with your consumers in a timely and personalized manner. Live chat isn’t simply beneficial for one-time encounters from a brand’s perspective. Companies may learn a lot from conversation history and data in order to better their client experience in the future.

Consider Cliffex if you want to provide live chat assistance — we created it to enable the customizable, manageable help experiences that this article discusses.

Originally published at on July 16, 2021.




One of the fastest-growing providers of IT consulting and software services, Cliffex focuses on next-generation digital technology.