We Help Improve Your Family’s Well-Being Live Life Well.

5 min readJan 8, 2021


Family Plan App

Family plan is a platform where single parents or divorced parents get help for better collaboration and simplifying payment obligations. It aims to create an assistant that promotes equitable outcomes for printing events at both homes. Family plan choice to create an equitable post-divorce life. We help the parent to plan the holidays, request changes to an existing customer’s schedule, and manage the family expenses. It tries to reduce the conflict between the co-parents and children. We understand that the parents relate to the child’s lives thus we are there to help both the child and parent to stay connected and make a good bond.

The application will help to reduce the conflict between your ex and improve your communication for the betterment of the child. With the help of the knowledge and tools, your stress gets reduced and you come to know gradually what is best for your child.

UI Design

Features Of The Family Plan

● Live a peaceful life

You have a well-settled job, home, wife, and child. Nowhere in your plans, you think of separation or divorce. Being the most important part of life, your kids it isn’t easy to manage the schedule conflicts, payments, expenses, and communication differences. At this stage, all you need is collaboration and understanding of all the schedules. Even if you are getting separated, it can be easy to manage and work together happily as a family for your children. In this whole phase one this stagnant, that your children deserve a secured future with promise and happiness. Thus, Family Plan helps to plan and collaborate with the clients or families after divorce to provide the children with hope, love, and security.

● Bringing stability again in the home

Regaining stability after divorce or separation is an important task to keep the children connected and emotionally stable. For this, you need to organize, communicate, and simplify the schedules, and payments. This helps in improving the collaboration process.

● Convincing your Ex?

There is no need to convince your ex to use this application. If your ex has this application this will be a beneficial point. You can use it for organizing tools and communication. This app was purposely designed keeping in mind a single co-parent.

● Professional service providers can build Strong relationships with clients

with the help of Family Plan, service providers, companies, and professionals can easily build a strong relationship with their employees and clients struggling emotionally and financially after the separation of divorce.

● Controlling your own life

Family plan applications help to track the promises made, commitment kept, and accountability of each parent. It also helps to track the things which are yet to be done.

Services Provided By Family Plan To The Parent

A single co-parent needs to improve collaboration, get organized, and simplify the payment obligations for the child’s security and happiness. Family Plan helps the parent to get better after the separation or divorce. Services provided by the Family Plan application for the parent are as follows:

● Connecting the parents to a community of co-parent who needs similar guidance and support.

● connecting the parents with trusted and professional organizations for counseling and advisory purpose

● For a better co-parent, we tend to connect you with educational services.

With the help of co-parenting, we tend to bring sanity back to the parents. With the help of this application, you can regain your payments and schedules without any hustle. It helps to make collaboration possible. The application will help the co-parents to account for child benefit. With the help of the application, you can easily track your promises, commitments, and things that are yet to be done.

In the family plan, you will get to know that everyone is docile with the conditions of the separation or divorce. The mobile can easily track and inform when and where the child needs to be, and it also tracks the payments and expenses for education and healthcare. With the help of an integrated payment portal, the parents can ensure timely alimony payments and child support. The records are provided by the court which gives the parent peace of mind.

Services Provided To The Organization

Professionals, companies, and service providers can build a strong relationship with the help of family plan application. Employees and clients who are struggling emotionally and financially after separation or divorce can seek help.

Family Plan helps to improve the well-being and security of the clients and employees the organization serves. Increasing the visibility of the clients, increase in client interaction, tracking the court documents, reducing loss in hours, and increasing workplace wellness. If organizations are involved in the family plans, then they can build trust and brand among the parents.

The application helps to deliver unique value-added services which help to establish trust between the organization and the clients. Family Plan helps to improve collaboration and communication among the serve and the organization. With the help of a trusted organization and advisor, parents get help with managing and organizing the schedules.

Ui Design For The Family Plan

Cliffex has come up with a Family Plan with a UI design for a single co-parent. This design helps the parent to track the payment schedules and other activities related to the children. It helps to generate the expenses which are paid by both the mother and father. The design is quite simple and can be edited according to the parents. We help to focus on savings and manages the user on a single subscription. We also have individual screens. With the help of UI design, the application looks more appealing and stylish. Cliffex helps to create a pleasurable experience for its users.


With the help of family plan application, not just the parent’s part professional companies and service providers can also manage and increase their communication skills. The collaboration between co-parents is important for every child. Thus, it tends to create a bond between single co-parents. The application also provides tips and solutions which I will help you to bond as a family again.




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